Saturday, May 1, 2010

I've been sick!

All week I have been sick! Head cold I think - though lots of well meaning folks have been trying to tell me it is allergies. I don't know nor really care what it is, I just want it gone! I am much on the mend now and hopefully will see it out in another couple days, but the interesting thing feet/ankles feel better than they have in 2 years! And I suspect it is because for 2 days this week I did NOTHING but sit in my chair and doze. Stayed off the feet completely. Makes me wonder if I had been able to stay off them for a week back at the beginning of all this...maybe all this wouldn't be? (am I losing you?)
Anyway, it is now midnight and since I only slept 12 and a half hours last night, I guess I will head back to sleep.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Shorter and just as sweet?

Well it has been over a month since I wrote. That is too long. The problem is, I think of stuff to write when I am not at the keyboard and dry up when I have time to blog. Also I seem to be under the illusion that is has to be thought-provoking and of some heft. So today. Short and sweet.
I love reading others blogs, Spontaneously Clapping's post honeymoon ramblings (and now pregnancy journeys) are a reminder of a great time in my life. My friend Joy just had a new baby boy, and is blogging of that wonderful time at The Strange Land. I love Kim in Just a Southern Girl on a mission-journey in Argentina. And I especially love my cousin's great honesty in her blog 2 Thinks to Share. Love all of you and many more that I read but don't always comment on . Thank you.

Saturday, March 27, 2010


When my DDs were wee babes, I always said that I wanted Easter when they acquired significant others. They could spend Christmas with that family and Easter with me. Of course, I never really imagined that they wouldn't choose to be with us for Christmas anyway, but in this instance they listened to me. Go figure!
But seriously, Easter is the bigger holiday for me. I have always liked Easter. Even before I understood Easter. Easter meant church and special music and listening to dad sing in the choir. And when I was a teenager, it meant 3 services every Easter morn! And I loved it.
When I was young, my mother made us Easter dresses (there are 4 girls in the family and I the eldest). I remember one year she made us all dresses of yellow water silk. I liked that we were all dressed alike. Years later I learned 2 things about those dresses. First they were made from one of my mothers prom dress (must have had a HUGE skirt!) and Second that my youngest sister hated the dresses...turned out she got to wear them for a number of years as they were passed down. :D
New dresses...white gloves, new shoes and some years we even had hats! And yet I understood the trappings were secondary. We hid eggs and had baskets (I'm still using mine!) and we had family. This wasn't the overwhelming family of Christmas when the numbers were sometimes beyond counting, but a more personal family that often meant JUST the immediate people. I loved it. After church and the egg hunt, we had a great meal and then we played games, Flinch, Liverpool Rum, Boggle...all of us. I loved that too.
Then as a teen I learned to make pysanky, the Ukranian eggs that require repeated baths in different color dyes to create beautiful works of art. Now every year, starting on Ash Wednesday, we make pysanky.
We have picked up a few other traditions along the way. Pashka from a recipe that I found in a newspaper years ago. This is a low-fat version of the Russian treat that is made with yogurt and the family loves it. Romanian Almond bread, Greek trinity bread, Easter meat from a recipe my mother-in-law remembered from her childhood and always boiled eggs - red Greek ones, warm brown ones made with onion skins and of course, the colored eggs of my childhood. We have done as many as 3 dozen for the 6 or 8 of us that may be here! :D
I love Easter and I love the reason for the season! Thank you, Jesus.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Last week I lost someone who was a major influence in my life. She wasn't someone I talked to often, nor someone I even thought about a lot. But she was the person who helped me become who I am today.
Her name was Evelina Smith and when I first met her she was a 30 something black woman who wore outrageous wigs. BIG wigs. She had just been hired as the librarian at the local branch campus of a major university. She hired me as student librarian on the work-study program. She also befriended me. We didn't have heart-to-heart talks or anything like that. But she did give advice when needed (and only if she thought you were ready to hear it). I had worked as a student librarian in high school (with another fabulous woman, but more on her another time) and had actually acquired quite a bit of library skills. Evelina saw that and suggested I become a librarian. I didn't want to, so I took a theater degree instead.
Then when my fiance also planned a theater degree and we realized that one of us needed a job that would feed and clothe us, I talked with her again. She still thought I would make a good librarian and she wrote letters to that effect to get me into grad school. I applied to my alma mater and to hers. Mine turned me down...something about my GPA not being high enough. Missed by .02, and even though I did my BFA in 3 years while working nearly full time, they just plain did not want me! The same day they gave me the final rejection, I got my acceptance to her alma mater - which had a MUCH better rating in the library world than mine. I went on to graduate with a 4.0 and worked as a librarian for 20+ years.
Evelina was delighted. Unfortunately, we had a falling out. I had joined Weight Watchers and lost quite a bit of weight, when she mentioned how good I looked, I suggested she could join me. She was greatly offended, she didn't think she needed that. We didn't speak for too long. I felt bad, but didn't know how to right the situation. I was too young. Now I know the answer was to just say 'I'm sorry' and keeping on talking. But then I didn't understand.
Eventually we did talk, though never about the weight thing. She did meet my children, who remember her fondly, and always she adored my husband.
What I remember most about her was her generousity. She helped people. When someone needed a job, she helped them find it. She encouraged talent where she found it. She loved plants and made her library into a jungle (in fact my youngest was so disappointed when she arrived at college to find the plants gone, since Evelina had retired) She wore a ring on every finger and necklaces in multiples. I remember her showing off a beautiful emerald ring and someone asking who got it for her. She said she bought it for herself and a person should be prepared to buy things for themselves and not wait to be given something.
In memory of Evelina, I bought myself a gold bracelet. Much more than I usually would spend on myself, but a girl should be prepared to buy herself something nice once in a while - just for her! Thank you for everything, Evelina. The world is sadder for your passing.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Random Dozen 2010 - 8?

I've been dealing with life lately and not blogging much so have missed a bunch of the Randoms...but I do enjoy making myself think, so here goes again.
Lidna ... Linda over at 2nd cup of Coffee does this meme.
1. Have you ever fired a gun or shot a bow and arrow?
Yes and Yes and darn good at both!

2. Do you know where your childhood best friends are?

We moved a lot when I was a child so most of my friends are memories, but one or two are still in my life and my BEST friend from 7th grade on is still one of my best friends, low these many years later...and no I am not going to say how many! :D

3. Do you usually arrive early, late, or on time?
If I am by myself, and NO ONE else is home, I will be early or on-time. Otherwise I am late. Even if they are not coming with me...don't know why, just true.

4. Are you more of a New York or California type?
Worked in Manhattan for 2 years and have visited many times. Vacationed several times in Northern California (SF and up) and loved it. Do I really have to choose?

5. Do you have a special ring tone?
I have ring tones for different people so that I know who is calling by the ring (those little letters on the screen are SOOOOO tiny)

6. What is your favorite type of chip?

Not really a chip person, but I guess corn chips.

7. Best comedy you've ever seen is ....
Right now it would have to be 'Big Bang theory'

8. Have you ever cut your own hair? To quote Dr. Phil, "How'd that work for ya?"

Yep and poorly! In college I got upset with myself and I guess as punishment cut my own hair. Man, I was harsh!

9. If you were going to have an extreme makeover, would you rather it be about your house or your personal self?
House, I am pretty happy with me right now.

10. Are you allergic to anything?

Heavy perfumes give me migraines. But nothing life-threatening.

11. Why is it so hard to change?

Hey wait a minute. This question is HARD! I don't remember where it is from but the quote I live by is "Change is the enemy" but I do know that sometimes I have to change.....heavy sigh!

12. One last question dedicated to February love: CS Lewis said, "To love is to be vulnerable." Please share one example of that assertion or share any thought you'd like to about this topic.
I think you have to be vulnerable to fall in love. If you are not open, it is impossible to believe that anyone will love you. And if you don't believe that then you close yourself off and never get to experience the giddiness that comes from realizing that someone loves YOU.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


As I may have mentioned, DD2 is very dyslexic. She wears special tinted glasses that have made a HUGE difference for her. She is finally able to read at a decent rate. When she was about 5th grade someone mentioned using colored gels for her and since hubby is TekGod in the theater, he brought home several colors for her to try. So I asked her, did it help. "Oh yes, mom, the words don't move anymore." First I knew that she was seeing that way, and first she realized that not everyone did!
So life progresses and she is doing very well at the college level, and has learned how to more than compensate for any difficulty she has in preceptions. But the one area she still fails at is spelling. She spells what she hears and since we, as Americans, tend to lazy tongues, her spelling is sometimes very creative! If you read what she has written out loud, you can almost always understand what she has written, but can be a riddle. For Christmas she got a word program that types what she dictates. We shall see.
All this is to get around to something someone shared with me on FB today. It was stupid signs that people have made to protest something. All had spelling errors, from the common there/their/they're errors to the inattentive absence of letters, like amesty for amnesty. There were quite a few that were demanding that English be made the official language of the USA. Well, if you want to be taken seriously, don't you think it would help if your sign was in ENGLISH!??!
I tend to agree that English is our language and would prefer that immigrants be required to learn it. I understand some allowances being made. BUT if you plan to live here for years, don't ask me to learn your language to welcome you! But then I see these signs....and I think well maybe I need to brush up on my Spanish.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

It's about the cross

Our choir sang this last Sunday...and I have been humming it all week, so I decided I am suppose to share it. It is what Christmas really means to me. (If I knew how I would add great pictures behind - but maybe the words should stand alone) Here goes:

It's About the Cross by Jamison J Statema

It's not all about the manger where the baby lay
It's not all about the angels that sang for him that day
It's not just about the shepherds or the bright and shining star
It's not all about the wise men who traveled from afar.
It's about the Cross.
It's about my sin
It's about how Jesus came to be born once
so that we could be born again
It's about the stone
that was rolled away.
So that you and I could have real life some day
It's about the Cross

It's not all about the presents underneath the tree
It's not all about the feelings that this season brings for me
It's not just about coming home to be with those you love
It's not all about the beauty in the snow I'm dreaming of


The beginning of the story is wonderful and great
But it's the ending that can save you and that's why we celebrate!
It's about the Cross
It's about my sin
It's about how Jesus came to be born once
so that we could be born again
It's about God's love, nailed to a tree
It's about every drop of blood that flowed from Him
when it should have been ME!
It's about the stone that was rolled away
so that you and I could have real life some day
so that you and I could have real life someday
It's about the Cross
It's about the Cross

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I just don't have enough time. I am sure no one else has this problem. Everyone else seems to make their 24 hours work for them....well mostly. But I need at least another 2 to 3 hours. There is so much I want to do and just not enough time.
My youngest DD is taking 22 hours this semester. She was wishing for one of those time turners like Hermione had in Harry Potter. I think she will need it. I hope her frustration level doesn't implode too soon and not in my direction!
The eldest DD is frustrated with work. Or to be more specific the lack of work. She is down to 4 hours a week and you can't live on that. so many forms. And so many in our area are experiencing it right now. There are large numbers of unemployed. So move, you say....well, where to? And can anyone guarantee them a job if they do? And how long will that job last? And what happens if in a year or 2 or less the new job is gone? Where is their support network? Back in the original location. So we have a workforce here. Willing to work. What can they do? What can we do to help them? What is the answer? Create a job. Now I just need to think what that job will be. Any ideas?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Random Dozen 2010 - 2

Here is 2nd Cup of Coffee's second installment of 2010's Random Dozen!

1. When was the last time you craved a food--what was it, and did you cave? Yesterday - meat and yes I made broiled ribs for dinner.

2. M & M's or Skittles?
Neither really, but skittles in a pinch

3. Have you ever read the Bible completely through?
Yes, 2.5 times so far. The first was in High School as part of my God and Country award, the second was the most meaningful, using the "Bible in a Year" study guide with a group from my mom's church...very insightful. And I am slowly working my way through again...but on no schedule so this time is taking much longer!

4. How long does it take you to really wake up in the morning?
Once I am out of bed, I am awake, but I can lay there for 15 minute or more stretching before I actually tackle the standing part!

5. Have you ever been on a cruise? If not, would you like to?
YES! For our 30th anniversary and it was wonderful. Would do it again in a heartbeat!

6. Who is your favorite actress?
Katherine Hepburn

7. Tongue piercing is something that I will just never understand.

8. How much of a technology junkie are you? Quite a bit. I like to know how and why. And in my house I am the tech support.

9. Do you enjoy selecting greeting cards for people, or is it more of a cultural "have to" for you?
Mostly it is a 'have to' and I tend not to.

10. When was the last time you got a new style/haircut?
2 weeks ago.

11. What do you enjoy shopping for most?
NOTHING - I hate to shop!!! Period!

12. What's the last thing you think of before you leave the house?
God please be with me while I am gone and with those I leave behind. and do I have my keys.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Christmas is over...the days are getting long.

Well, we just celebrated the last of the extended Christmas holidays our family had this year. From Dec. 22 till today. In some ways it was nice to have something to look forward to, but I admit to be ready to take down all the decorations.
We also celebrated to natal days for both our DDs. As of tomorrow we will no longer have a teenager in the family. A very strange feeling. And yet she acts so grown up already. We have been very blessed with the two of them. Thank you, God.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Hi all, is it 20-10 (twenty-ten) or 2010 (2 thousand ten?) I have been hearing this question a lot lately. No one seems to have decided which sounds better. I was surprise that it wasn't aught-8 etc. And now I find myself waffling between the twenty and the 2 thousand. I am leaning towards the twenty. How about the rest of you?
Christmas was (is) a long, drawn out affair for us this year. We started opening packages on Dec. 22 when my mom was here for a visit and wanted to see how we like what she got us. And since eldest DD has a BF who's family is on the other side of the state, we did our family Christmas at that time so they could be with his family on the only day he had off. BUT my one local sister, was in California with the other 2 sisters for Christmas this year, so we are finishing our gift exchanging on Sunday Jan. 10. We will combine DDs birthdays, which are both in Jan. too.
I did take the tree down Tues. (I had the day off and have to do these things when time allows) but I left a small table with Santa in a sleigh on it with the remaining gifts. I also still have the crĂȘche up, since the wisemen only JUST got there. :D A nice mix of the sacred and secular, I think.
Hope everyone is having a wonderful 2010 - however you chose to say it! :D