Time for 2nd Cup of Coffee's Random Dozen.
1. What was the last song you listened to?
I don't listen to a lot of music. The last song I sang was 'Climaclinafeegle-fugle-ashenbeckenbeaglebugle-earaspecking-mountainblooming bird' a camp song
2. Have you ever had “buyer’s remorse” over anything?
We bought a recliner once, on a great sale. But we got a new credit card with it and put it on the card. By the time we paid it off, we had paid so much more than the recliner was worth...lesson learned.
3. What is something in your life that you are thankful for now that you didn’t think you would be at the time of the event? (Something that seemed ill-timed, inconvenient or hurtful which turned out to be a good thing)
I met my hubby-to-be in college and knew he was the one. I wanted to get married pretty soon after that. He insisted that we had to finish college first, and he took 7 years!!! But that gave us time to mature and make a real commitment that has lasted 31+ years. So I think it was a good thing.
4. Do you watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade every year? If so, do you have a favorite float or balloon?
Every year. For many years from the grandstands in NYC. Hubby dearest has worked for the Parade Studio off and on for 30 years. He is there now...I am not :(
5. Share a quote, scripture, poem or lyric which has been an inspiration to you lately.
To every season turn, turn, turn.....from the song and Ecclesiaticus.
6. This is meant to be a fun question, and this is a G-rated blog, but please share a “guilty pleasure,” something that you enjoy that’s probably not the most edifying, time-worthy or healthy thing you could be indulging in. Did I mention this blog is rated G?
Butter...I love it...on toast, in brownies, shortbread, on mush, whatever....things go better with butter.
7. What Thanksgiving food are you looking forward to?
Turkey drumstick!
8. What is your favorite book to read to children, or what was your favorite childhood book?
Favorite childhood book - Pinocchio - the original NOT Disney's version. To read to kids, hmmm, we read the Harry Potter books out loud. I enjoyed doing it that way.
9. Do you collect anything? (Feel free to post a photo.)
Lots of things...the rule in our house is 3 or more makes it a collection. Mut the one I have the most of is elephants. I have hundreds and I was going to post a few, but my daughter seems to have 'borrowed' by photo importer so I can't download them from the camera. :( It reached the point years ago that I started telling people not to get me any more unless the were really unusual. I had no idea how many REALLY unusual ones there were! :D
10. Gift bags or wrapping paper?
Wrapping paper mostly, but I have resorted to bags for some of those impossible to wrap gifts.
11. Share an after-school memory from when you were younger. What was your routine like on an average day?
We moved a lot while I was growing up, but in the early elementary days we lived in a small town. I walked to school. My best friend would come over after school and we would play in the upstairs of the old barn on the property. It had a window on the second floor with an apple tree right outside it. We would swing out the window and climb down the tree. There was also an apple orchard in the middle of the block of houses. We played in there too. Once a friend's father was burning some branches and offered to let us cook marshmallows. My mother said no, but I did anyway. My friend caught her marshmallow on fire and started waving it around in an effort to put the flames out. It flew off the stick and landed on the top of my hand. It burned a lot and I ran into her house and put it under cold water (which turns out to have been the right thing to do, but I was just trying to make it feel better.) I couldn't tell my mother, since she had forbidden me to toast the marshmallows. So for 2 days I covered the back of my hand with my other hand and gritted it out. Finally my mom forced me to show her my hand. She was cool. She just cleaned it up and put some ointment on it. I think she felt I had suffered enough! I had!
12. True story: Once, in a job interview, I was asked this question and told there would be no clarifying; I simply had to answer the question: “When you’re fishing, do you feel for the fish?” So what about you? Do you feel for the fish??
Nope. I do throw them back, and I wish them well, but I don't worry about those my cousin catches and cooks up for us.
Just popped by to read your blessings and just ♥ the one about your Christmas cactus. Mine is blooming, too. Believe it or not, I originally bought it at Easter time and here it is, turning itself and bloom time all around.
ReplyDeleteI so ♥ your last blessing entry. My dogs and cats are true treasures in my heart. I don't know what in the world I would do without them. Thank you for sharing that part of your life.