OK I missed Monday and will only make Tuesday by the skin of my teeth - IF I type really fast, but here ya go.
Minted Walnuts. These are a favorite of my mother and Dad used to make them every year. (and he ate them too :D) But he has been gone for 6 years now and it has fallen to me to make them, since I like them too.
1/4 cup light corn syrup
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup water
1 teaspoon oil of peppermint
10 large marshmallows or 20-25 small ones
4 cups walmut halves (or at least large pieces)
2-4 drops green food coloring, optional
Spread a sheet of wax paper over a cookie tray and set it aside. Combine corn syrup, sugar and water in a heavy sauce pan. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until mixture boils. Cook to 240 degrees F using a candy thermometer. Add the food coloring while it heats if you want to use it. Remove from heat and quickly add peppermint oil and marshmallows. Stir until marshmallows dissolve. Add walnuts and stir till all nuts are coated. You have to do this fast. Pour unto wax paper. Immediately separate the nuts apart using 2 forks. Allow to cool completely and store in a sealed container.
When you try to separate these there will be strings from the marshmallows. I used to love watching Dad do this. It looked so pretty with the 'wires' of candy coating. They should become dry to the touch as they cool, if you cooked them long enough. If not they will be sticky, but still taste great.
WOW! First I get a recipe and then see that you are thankful for our veterans on this day of their honor. A double blessing for me!