Second Cup Lid- Linda hosts this getting to know you meme. Click on the doughnuts in the button to link up.
1. Candy corn: Your thoughts?
I crave this candy all year long and then have about 6 pieces and am DONE! I think it is a memory thing and not that I really like it.
2. Briefly, what was the first conversation you ever had with your spouse? (or best friend, if you're not married.) (Or someone significant, like your librarian.)
We're talking 35+ years ago...I can barely remember yesterday's conversation!!! But it was enough to make me break up with a guy I had dated for over a year!
3. Could you ever become a vegetarian?
4. Have you ever dressed up your pet in a costume?
Nope, hard enough getting the people in costumes!
5. Name something about childhood that you miss (like Clark Bars, Teaberry Gum, Malibu Barbie, cracking fake eggs on people's heads with your fist and "It's the Great Pumpkin" airing only once a year).
Pop (or soda) bottle refunds. We lived across from a high school and my sisters and I kept ourselves in candy by picking up the glass bottles and returning them to the corner store for 2 cents each. With candy a penny and a full-size bar only a nickle, we did OK.
6. Have you ever won a trophy? If not, what do you deserve a trophy for?
Not a trophy exactly, but I got the Thanks Badge for Girl Scouts. This is the highest adult award given.
7. When do you think is the appropriate time to begin playing Christmas music each year?
The first Sunday of Advent or December 1, whichever is first.
8. What's your favorite board game?
The one I am playing. I like most of them and if I can get someone to play, then I love that one! :D
9. How do you feel about surprises (receiving, not giving)?
I love them. I prefer NOT to know what I am getting for Christmas or any other event and I love being surprised.
10. Is it easy for you to say, "I'm sorry?"
Yes and no. It is easy to say when it is meaningless, as in the retail world, "I'm sorry ma'am, we are out of that". And it is easy to say when I really mean it...when I have hurt someone. But it is hard when it isn't my fault and I feel like the other person should apologize. Then I sometimes have to decide whether the friendship is more important to me than the hurt feelings.
11. What is your favorite candle scent?
Unscented - or beeswax
12. October is traditionally "open house" time in public schools. If you had a literal open house in your home (like a reception) what light snacks would you serve visitors and what would you show them (as in art projects, graded papers) that would uniquely represent you?
Hmmm, October, probably cider, maybe mulled if it is cold out. And cake donut holes and maybe some of my Amaretto truffles. As to what would represent me??? hopefully my soon to be repainted living room walls. Going wild in 3 colors and definitely a stretch for me! I am sure 'teacher' would describe it as "moving outside her comfort zone." :D
LOL - I almost put turning in bottles for the deposit refund on my post!