Linda at 2nd Cup of Coffee offers this meme for our edification and enjoyment! Hope you enjoy it.
1. Tell me something about your favorite teacher.
Mr. Bobby Wills was my World History teacher in high school. He gave up on the books the school board wanted him to use and instead just lectured from his own store of knowledge. But he didn't make it seem like a lecture, more like story-telling. He also invented a game that we played after-school that was part Risk and part his own invention. We rolled dice to become the rulers of countri
2. Tell me about one pivotal moment in your life.
I tend to think of pivotal moments as big things and I can't think of any major changes that would count as pivotal, but I will admit that when I held each of our DDs for the first time, I knew life had changed forever.
3. About favorite colors--a lot of people will ask you what it is, but I want to know why it is. What feeling or memory does it evoke?
My favorite color has changed over the years and in fact is still changing. I find that is tends to depend on the mood I am in and who asks me and when they ask. When I was growing up my favorite color was blue, next sis was pink, next green and last yellow - or as least that is what we always said. We all have Christmas ornaments in those colors (they came in boxes of 4 and Mom labeled them and we still have many of them.) Not sure if my youngest sister really liked yellow or if that is what was left...must ask her sometime. Anyway, as I have matured I find that I alternate between purple and green. Both make me happy. I love the poem, Warning - When I am an Old Woman I Shall Wear Purple by Jenny Joseph and I reaching an age where I am happy to wear purple and pink and chartreuse!
4. What's a sure sign that you're getting older?
See above! :D There is an email circulating out there that says something about going though life kicking and screaming and enjoying every moment of the ride. I used to have it on the wall above my desk when I worked in an office. I still like the sentiment. The only sign I will admit to is white hair (OK so it is grey - I prefer to think
5. Please don't sermonize, but Halloween--is it a yes or no for you?
Yes - to costumes and candy and fun. And don't forget to go to church on Nov. 1 and remember ALL saints.
6. What's your favorite musical?
A Little Night Music
7. Are you more of a city mouse or country mouse?
Definitely a country mouse - likes my trees, do I!
8. Did you know that it is possible, for a small fee, to name a real star after someone? (It's true! Google it!) If someone were to name a star for you, would you appreciate it for its whimsy and romance, or would you say, "Are you kidding me? For $19.95 we could have gone to the movie and actually bought popcorn."
OK anyone who doesn't know me well enough to know I would prefer the movie and LARGE popcorn, shouldn't be buying me stars!
This question comes from Paula at His Ways Are Not Our Ways.
9. What's the craziest thing you've ever been doing and texted during it? I only thought of this b/c I was about to try to text during my walking video but I didn't. Paula, you do know that this blog is rated G, right?
I was doing dishes and thought of something to tell my DD and tried to text while still having one hand in the dishwater. texting + dishwater = dead battery Luckily the phone survived.
10. "It's not a party unless _______."
Not a big party-er. Food is, of course, a necessity, but otherwise... I actually dread parties.
11. When you're stuck in traffic or a waiting room, what do you do to pass the time? PS: There are no magazines available.
No magazines available, is this a preview of hell???? How can I live without something to read. Well I ALWAYS have something in my purse. But on the theory that I have lost my purse and am waiting in the police station to report it, First I would read everything on the walls. Then I would ask to use the bathroom and hope they had reading material in there. If that doesn't work then I would try to sleep. I usually can sleep anywhere in any position and almost always need a nap, so this is a possibility. And in absolutely desperate moments I pray. (and in the doctor's waiting room, maybe first)
12. If you weren't yourself, would you be friends with you?
I think so.
Although I grew up in the city, I am a country mouse at heart too!
ReplyDeleteI love the trees!!
Hi! thanks for playing this week.
ReplyDelete#6: You are the first one to mention that musical (and I'm not familiar with it).
#9: You win the award for best answer.
Have a great weekend. Hope to see you at RD again this week.