Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Linda at 2nd Cup of Coffee offers this meme for our edification and enjoyment! Hope you enjoy it.

1. Tell me something about your favorite teacher.
Mr. Bobby Wills was my World History teacher in high school. He gave up on the books the school board wanted him to use and instead just lectured from his own store of knowledge. But he didn't make it seem like a lecture, more like story-telling. He also invented a game that we played after-school that was part Risk and part his own invention. We rolled dice to become the rulers of countries in existence around 1450 AD. Then you had to determine what resources your country had and how you could take over the world. Alliances could be made. Armies bought and sold, but you had to have the wealth to do that and that was set by the roll of the dice. It took several weeks to play and he had large maps on the walls showing who owned what at any given time. It was great.... I guess it was a fore-shadower of today's role-playing games. We had a lot of fun and learned quite a bit 'accidentally!'

2. Tell me about one pivotal moment in your life.
I tend to think of pivotal moments as big things and I can't think of any major changes that would count as pivotal, but I will admit that when I held each of our DDs for the first time, I knew life had changed forever.

3. About favorite colors--a lot of people will ask you what it is, but I want to know why it is. What feeling or memory does it evoke?
My favorite color has changed over the years and
in fact is still changing. I find that is tends to depend on the mood I am in and who asks me and when they ask. When I was growing up my favorite color was blue, next sis was pink, next green and last yellow - or as least that is what we always said. We all have Christmas ornaments in those colors (they came in boxes of 4 and Mom labeled them and we still have many of them.) Not sure if my youngest sister really liked yellow or if that is what was left...must ask her sometime. Anyway, as I have matured I find that I alternate between purple and green. Both make me happy. I love the poem, Warning - When I am an Old Woman I Shall Wear Purple by Jenny Joseph and I reaching an age where I am happy to wear purple and pink and chartreuse!

4. What's a sure sign that you're getting older?
See above! :D There is an email circulating out there that says something about going though life kicking and screaming and enjoying every moment of the ride. I used to have it on the wall above my desk when I worked in an office. I still like the sentiment. The only sig
n I will admit to is white hair (OK so it is grey - I prefer to think of it as almost white!) and that is only because I don't have time to deal with coloring it. Life is too short to get old.

5. Please don't sermonize, but Halloween--is it a yes or no for you?
Yes - to costumes and candy and fun. And don't forget to go to church on Nov. 1 and remember ALL saints.

6. What's your favorite musical?
A Little Night Music

7. Are you more of a city mouse or country mouse?

Definitely a country mouse - likes my trees, do I!

8. Did you know that it is possible, for a small fee, to name a real star after someone? (It's true! Google it!) If someone were to name a star for you, would you appreciate it for its whimsy and romance, or would you say, "Are you kidding me? For $19.95 we could have gone to the movie and actually bought popcorn."
OK anyone who doesn't know me well enough to know I would prefer the movie and LARGE popcorn, shouldn't be buying me stars!

This question comes from Paula at His Ways Are Not Our Ways.
What's the craziest thing you've ever been doing and texted during it? I only thought of this b/c I was about to try to text during my walking video but I didn't. Paula, you do know that this blog is rated G, right?
I was doing dishes and thought of something to tell my DD and tried to text while still having one hand in the dishwater. texting + dishwater = dead battery Luckily the phone survived.

10. "It's not a party unless _______."

Not a big party-er. Food is, of course, a necessity, but otherwise... I actually dread parties.

11. When you're stuck in traffic or a waiting room, what do you do to pass the time? PS: There are no magazines available.
No magazines available, is this a preview of hell???? How can I live without something to read. Well I ALWAYS have something in my purse. But on the theory that I have lost my purse and am waiting in the police station to report it, First I would read everything on the walls. Then I would ask to use the bathroom and hope they had reading material in there. If that doesn't work then I would try to sleep. I usually can sleep anywhere in any position and almost always need a nap, so this is a possibility. And in absolutely desperate moments I pray. (and in the doctor's waiting room, maybe first)

12. If you weren't yourself, would you be friends with you?
I think so.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Fall into Flavor 2

Linda over at 2nd Cup of Coffee started this meme - check out all the other great 'fall treats!'.

Cottage Bread

This is an easy recipe for a great accompaniment to any meal. We especially like it in the cool months with a hearty stew.

2 cups hot tap water
1 & 1/2 tablespoons dry yeast (1 & 1/2 packages)
1 heaping teaspoon salt
6 cups flour (approximately)
1 egg white

Mix hot water and yeast and allow to proof for about 10 minutes (this means get all bubbly and foamy looking.)
Add salt and 1 cup flour, mix thoroughly. Add additional flour one cup at a time until the dough is not sticky. Turn out onto a floured board (Do NOT rinse bowl yet!) and knead until smooth and elastic. Use some olive oil and grease the bowl in which you mixed the dough. Place the dough in the oiled bowl and cover with plastic wrap and let rise till double in size - about 1 hour.
When dough has doubled punch it down and divide into two sections with one about half again as large as the other. Knead the larger ball in to a smooth ball and flatten slightly. Brush with whipped egg white (add a little water to the egg wash for better 'crustiness') Form smaller ball the same way and place on top of the first ball. Push your index finger down through the top into the lower ball. This helps hold the two together. Brush it with egg white also. Place immediately into oven and turn the oven on to 400 degrees. Do NOT preheat the oven. Bake until bread sounds hollow when thumped on the bottom. This is best when done on a baking stone, but a heavy baking sheet will do in a pinch.
When bread is done cool it on a wire rack. Enjoy.

Simple joys make a simple noise

Homework assignment from Easy Street: Create a list of simple things that you love and take for granted;

  • being able to walk and run without pain
  • the smell of coffee (hate the taste)
  • my husband vacuuming before my Girl Scout meeting
  • cold water
  • hot water
  • the big maple outside my house
  • my parent's love
  • God's love (I know it is always there, but sometimes I take it for granted!)
  • music - continuous and unceasing - either in reality or in my head (where reality only sometimes resides!)
  • the feel of rain on my skin (I've played in it, hiked in it and thought in it...it is a gift)
  • the steady ticking of the old Calumet clock in the kitchen
  • memories, old and new and yet to come
  • the ability to read and learn and remember (my daughter's dyslexia has made me more aware of the joys these abilities impart)
  • laughter! Both laughing and hearing it...it truly is a fairy's birth.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Random Dozen #8

Second Cup Lid- Linda hosts this getting to know you meme. Click on the doughnuts in the button to link up.

1. Candy corn: Your thoughts?
I crave this candy all year long and then have about 6 pieces and am DONE! I think it is a memory thing and not that I really like it.

2. Briefly, what was the first conversation you ever had with your spouse? (or best friend, if you're not married.) (Or someone significant, like your librarian.)
We're talking 35+ years ago...I can barely remember yesterday's conversation!!! But it was enough to make me break up with a guy I had dated for over a year!

3. Could you ever become a vegetarian?

4. Have you ever dressed up your pet in a costume?
Nope, hard enough getting the people in costumes!

5. Name something about childhood that you miss (like Clark Bars, Teaberry Gum, Malibu Barbie, cracking fake eggs on people's heads with your fist and "It's the Great Pumpkin" airing only once a year).
Pop (or soda) bottle refunds. We lived across from a high school and my sisters and I kept ourselves in candy by picking up the glass bottles and returning them to the corner store for 2 cents each. With candy a penny and a full-size bar only a nickle, we did OK.

6. Have you ever won a trophy? If not, what do you deserve a trophy for?
Not a trophy exactly, but I got the Thanks Badge for Girl Scouts. This is the highest adult award given.

7. When do you think is the appropriate time to begin playing Christmas music each year?
The first Sunday of Advent or December 1, whichever is first.

8. What's your favorite board game?
The one I am playing. I like most of them and if I can get someone to play, then I love that one! :D

9. How do you feel about surprises (receiving, not giving)?
I love them. I prefer NOT to know what I am getting for Christmas or any other event and I love being surprised.

10. Is it easy for you to say, "I'm sorry?"
Yes and no. It is easy to say when it is meaningless, as in the retail world, "I'm sorry ma'am, we are out of that". And it is easy to say when I really mean it...when I have hurt someone. But it is hard when it isn't my fault and I feel like the other person should apologize. Then I sometimes have to decide whether the friendship is more important to me than the hurt feelings.

11. What is your favorite candle scent?
Unscented - or beeswax

12. October is traditionally "open house" time in public schools. If you had a literal open house in your home (like a reception) what light snacks would you serve visitors and what would you show them (as in art projects, graded papers) that would uniquely represent you?
Hmmm, October, probably cider, maybe mulled if it is cold out. And cake donut holes and maybe some of my Amaretto truffles. As to what would represent me??? hopefully my soon to be repainted living room walls. Going wild in 3 colors and definitely a stretch for me! I am sure 'teacher' would describe it as "moving outside her comfort zone." :D

Monday, October 19, 2009

Fall into Flavor 1

This is my first contribution to Fall into Flavor hosted by Linda at 2nd Cup. The title of these darlings might turn you off - but try them, they are WONDERFUL!

Potato Donuts
2 cups cold mashed potatoes (without cream, salt, butter -UNADULTERATED, in other words!)
3 tablespoons butter, melted
2 cups sugar
1 cup milk
3 eggs
1/2 teaspoon salt
5 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon nutmeg
and flour.

This is an old family recipe and my grandmother was not known for specifics! So the flour is 'enough.' I will try to define.
Start heating oil in deep fryer if you have one, otherwise wait and cook in a skillet or wok after the donuts are made.
Mix the mashed potatoes with the sugar and butter, add eggs. Combine thoroughly. Add salt, baking powder, and nutmeg. Combine. Add milk. The mixture will resemble pancake batter at this point. Add flour 1/2 cup at a time until you have a very soft dough. The dough will stretch and stick but that is what you want. NOT firm or solid like cookies.
Dump the dough out on a well floured surface and press flat, to about 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch thick. Using a donut cutter (or a well floured glass and a shot glass) make your donuts.
Carefully drop the donuts into the hot oil and turn once when the bottom side is brown. When the second side is brown remove and place in brown paper bag with some granulated sugar. Shake and then cool donut on rack.
Serve with cider!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Do they ever grow up?

I got home from work and Tai Chi class today, to hear my phone ringing. It was youngest DD. She of the college dorm. Seems she is sick. Cold, sinus - hopefully not flu, but whatever, she wants mom to bring her some soup. Chicken broth in particular - bibbles would be even better.
Now Mondays are hectic, I work, have my class and then I have a Girl Scout meeting. So the earliest I could even start to drive to the college is 8:40 in the evening and it is a 40 minute drive, so this is an act of pure love! She said she had already tried the stores that are in the dorms (sure didn't have those in MY day!!!) and they only had cream soups and she wanted broth. So I finally relented and said I would bring some up after GS.
Five minutes before the end of Scouts she calls, she has found soup in one of the stores. YAY I don't have to drive up.
But the episode has me thinking. When do we stop doing things for them? Do we ever? I remember, when Eldest DD was about 3, asking my father when he stopped worrying about me all the time and his response was, "I'll let you know when it happens." I suspect the rest is true too. As long as I can do for them, I probably will do for them. The trick is when to NOT do for them, but rather to let them grow and become the people they are meant to be.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Thankful Thursday

First off, I am thankful for a cousin who got me involved in the blog world, for her wonderful writing and great sense of humor - and the plug she put in for my blog doesn't hurt either!! :D Thanks Heidi.

Second, I am so thankful that I have tomorrow off!!! YAY. I love my job, but I need the time away too. The lawn if getting wild, the house needs cleaned and vacuumed, laundry needs done and I need a rest! Don't know what will happen tomorrow, but I am thankful for it!

Third, I am very thankful that God picked the right mate for me! Every time I think of him, I am again boggled at how good God is and how very lucky I am.

Fourth, I am thankful for garbage men! I took the garbage out tonight and I have to say how glad I am that I don't have to deal with the disposal of this trash. Now lest you think I am a real wastrel, we recycle all plastic, glass, metal, cardboard, newspapers and magazines. We compost all vegetable matter. But there is a certain amount of 'stuff' that doesn't fit into any of these categories. So far kitty litter is in that realm. I understand there are 'green' methods, but I admit that I haven't made that step yet, so in the meantime I am thankful for garbage men (or women)!

Fifth, I am thankful for all those who are praying for me right now. I know that there are family members who always keep us in their prayers. And there are church family who pray for us. And I suspect there are an army of folks praying prayers that we never imagine. Remember in the opening scenes of "It's a Wonderful Life", all those prayers are being heard in heaven? Well I suspect that there are always people praying for us in ways we never know about. Someone may be praying for a new Sunday School teacher, and it's you! Or someone may be praying for a kind word or smile and you are the answer. It's you. and me. And I am thankful for all of you!
Good night!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

on being alone

I think, for the first time in my life, I am living alone. No I haven't split with TT, but he is working in New Jersey (or New Joisee, as we say it!) until after Thanksgiving. He has been unemployed since Jan 4 of this year so this is a good thing, but having him gone is definitely a two-sided coin. And since they are into overtime, Monday through Thursday are 10 hour days and then 8 hours each on Friday and Saturday, and since we are 7 hours away, it means he won't be home on weekends.
On the one side of the coin is the face. And on the face of it, things are good. More money coming in means more bills getting paid.
But the flip side is that the other side of the bed is empty and there is no one with whom the share the day's news. This is sad. I miss him a lot.
But on the other side, I don't have anyone complaining about the time I spend writing and reading the the world of blog-dom!
But on the other hand there is no one to hold me and make me feel needed.
I feel a little like Tevye in Fiddler on the Roof when he goes on and on and is trying to decide what is happening with his daughters....and on the other hand.....
There is something to be said for eating what you want when you want it and leaving the dishes until there are enough to make it worth it. And I love the freedom of making stops on the way home from work without having to worry about calling anyone or causing them to worry.

But I guess I would trade it all for a good hug! especially from TT!