Second Cup Lid- Linda hosts this getting to know you meme. Click on the doughnuts in the button to link up.
1. Tell me the absolute best way to watch a movie.
At home with a bowl of popcorn, in my favorite chair with an afghan around me! It's even better if TT is with me. We don't talk during movies. The kids learned early that movies are silent times. You can ask anything AFTER the movie, but I look for pure escapism in a movie and I can't get that if someone is talking.
2. Do you ever think about your own funeral? If so, do you have specific ideas about how you would like it to be?
Only a little. I would like to be cremated and then you can do what you want with the ashes. And I would like music at the memorial with people singing. But since I will already be is the best place, the survivors may do whatever makes them feel better.
3. Are you more of a giver or a taker?
Probably a little of both. As a parent, I think we become givers. It seems like I am always giving - money for this need or that want, but also support and love and hugs. As a person, I try to be giving and think about the other person, but I suspect that I only think about them in terms of my own needs and wants. So that would make me a taker, huh?
4. Vacations: planned activities and schedules, or play it by ear?
Definitely a winger! I like to have a general guide line - like 'back in 2 weeks and I'll stay inside the lower 48' or 'OK, I have my passport, and $xxx, let's see where that will take us' TT is more planned oriented. So when we travel together, I tend to plan an outline and then leave as much open possibilities times as I can.
5. What is one often overlooked item in your home that needs to be cleaned regularly?
The refrigerator - enough said.
6. Name a cause that means a lot to you.
Girl Scouts. I have been involved for 34 years as both a girl and an adult. I love watching the girls become young women with goals and directions in their minds.
7. Do you eat a regular old peanut butter jelly sandwich, or do you customize it? And by the way, jelly or no jelly?
Crunchy, plain peanut butter. I will occasionally add applebutter, but usually I prefer it plain.
8. If we were having a conversation in person, how would I know if you were nervous?
There is a tightening around my mouth. Also my sentences, answers, become shorter and more succinct.
9. Do you have an elaborate bedtime routine, or just the basics of tooth brushing and jammies?
Well not really a routine, rather a 'this is what needs done' sort of thing. TT will say it he's heading to bed and I'll say 'me too.' Then I go put the remains of dinner in the refrigerator, bring the dog inside, water the pets, clean the litter boxes, turn off all lights, try not to get caught by the computer (who really wants me to play just one more game of WordDrop or read one more blog) brush my teeth and hair and undress and get into bed! About a half an hour after TT is in and asleep!
10. Have you ever regretted something you wrote on your blog?
Yes and no...I erased something once, almost immediately after I posted it. Otherwise, I am still so new to this that there aren't a lot of regrets yet.
11. Has anyone ever told you that you look like a famous person or celebrity? Did you agree?
Can't think of anyone ever saying anything. Course if they did I wouldn't believe them, so I might have put it from my mind.
12. If you were going to dedicate a song to a loved one or friend, what would the song be and to whom would it be dedicated?
When my dad died, my sisters and I sang the Quaker hymn, 'Tis a gift to be simple' at his memorial. It was beautiful. We also sang a camp song that he loved, 'Little Drop of Dew'
Yes, the singing at your dad's funeral was beautiful and very special. I miss him when we get together with the greater fam. I can just picture you doing that bedtime routine :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for what you said about my entrance into the world. I liked that and did not know it before. You know a lot more about me than I knew.
I figured you could relate pretty well to the fetal pig deal :)
You have been involved in GS longer than anyone else I know- that organization is lucky as all get out to have you!
Have a great rest of the weekend!