We have nearly always had pets. Cats, dogs, lizards, fish, clams, crabs, gerbils, hamsters, parakeets or some other amazingly adorable, irritating critters! Now don't get me wrong - the irritation rarely comes from the pet - with one notable exception to be discussed later! - rather it comes from the fact that when requested each child promises, "I'll take full care of it mommy!! Really I will." And then....when they were little I ended up caring for them because they would forget and I didn't want to wake them up at 11:30 to clean the litter box. But now they have abandoned home and left the pets here. The apartments/dorms won't allow pets, don't ya know?
So currently we have 4 cats, a dog and a lizard. And the cats have to be kept segregated - 2 upstairs with claws and 2 downstairs that were de-clawed a long time ago. Hubby and I had just decided that as each of our flock reaches the end of their earthly time, we would not replace them, when DD2 shows up with the upstairs 2 cats. She had them in an apartment, but now has moved to a dorm (she does everything backwards!) and isn't allowed to have them. And, she can't give them away because she wants to have them when she graduates. Besides they are special needs cats...or so the vet told her.
Both had been abandoned and abused as kittens. One had a broken lower jaw and few teeth left on the bottom and the other is missing an eye. The vet stitched it closed and it doesn't look bad, just sort of 'pirate-ish.' Anyway, both have recovered nicely and made all the accommodations necessary for their happy existence.
The downstairs pair are a different matter. Pampered and spoiled, they are elder statesmen who think, nay know, the world revolves around them. One was a chosen cat, gotten when DD2 was 3 or 4 and thus named, 'Kitty.' She is queen. The intruder cat was dumped on our farm-like abode 13 Christmases ago. She had already been spaded and de-clawed. You can't leave a cat outside without natural defenses. So we took her in. No one claimed her, in spite of notices and repeated questioning of neighbors.
I think I know why. She is a trouble maker. She may not have claws, but she thinks she does and she will intentionally pick a fight. Then she shows up with a cut or bite mark - we have had to be VERY careful not to let her get outside. Plus she is a 'pucky' cat. She just throws up for no reason! YUCK.
Actually of all our pets my favorite is the anole who is now a year and a half older than they told me they would ever get! She started as a science project when DD2 was still home-schooled in 9th grade. She is now a Junior at college! The anole was suppose to last 3-4 years. Do the math. It is longer by some time! But she is neat. If the music is loud she will 'dance' to the beat. It is cool to watch. And I just enjoy watching her in her terrarium next to the computer. So pets are a part of our life for some time to come...and I guess that is ok.
Stella's Pictures with a Friend (?)
3 weeks ago
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