Day late and a dollar short. But I had to work on the 4th so I will say my bit now!
Thank you to every veteran or service person out there. Thank you to those brave ancestors who chose to separate us from the British rule. Thank you to all who try to honor the constitution of the USA and thank you for a democracy that has lasted 2oo years longer than most people thought it would.
This is a free country, but that doesn't mean we are free to do whatever we want. It means we are free to behave in a manner that reflects what the men and women of colonial times thought was proper for a person to do. We have stretched the constitution like it was rubber or elastic. The meanings are actually pretty clear, but every year, little by little we are chipping away at the foundation of the country. And I fear that soon we will tip over and fall flat on our faces as the foundation is washed away entirely.
Traditionally we took care of our own. Churches and neighbors stepped in to care for those who needed help. Then we let the government do it.
Traditionally the school board decided how a local school was run. And the products of those schools created the industrial revolution and one of the most affluent societies the planet has ever known. Then state and federal governments mandated what could be taught and how and American scores have plummeted and jobs have moved overseas.
Traditionally we received our news from newspapers and television where respected reporters kept us abreast of what we needed to know about legislation and local happenings. Then tabloid journalism became the norm and suddenly everything is a sound-byte and more people know about John and Kate (I had to ask my daughter after seeing them on the cover of all the tabloids at the check-out counter!) than can name their local senator!
If we are not careful, we will lose this country, not to the gays or blacks or whatever minority you chose to fear, but to our own indifference! Do something. VOTE. Get involved. Teach - and that doesn't have to be in a school, teaching happens everyday when you model to someone how to behave. Remember mom saying "Don't do that, your brother (sister) copies everything you do!" It is still true. Everyday there is someone watching what you do and how you do it. Even when you don't think so. Please be an American - an active, involved American. Thank you.
Stella's Pictures with a Friend (?)
3 weeks ago
Touche (don't know how to type the accent mark over the e, sorry)
ReplyDeleteAnd where, pray tell, is the award I bestowed upon you, cousin?