I did it!!! I finally figured out how to post an award I got from my dear cousin several weeks ago! She wanted to know why it wasn't up and I had to admit that I couldn't figure it out. Turns out I had to copy the image and paste as an address and it worked. Yay.
Recognition. Don't we all like that? Today I had to work 12 hours because a colleague who is pregnant had to be rushed to the hospital. (she is OK - but will have to take it easy for a little while - she is due Sept. 2, all prayers welcome) Anyway, I was allowed to leave as soon as the store closed rather than stay for 'recovery.' As I was leaving a fellow associate made comment on my early departure and I said I'd been then for 12 hours already. She commiserated and then as I left she said, "Thank you for your good deed today." I started to just slough it off as 'no big deal' but then I thought...and said...'Thank you, it is nice to be appreciated." It did make the day feel a little better.
We all need affirmations in our life. We want to be good parents, children, mothers, workers, whatever, and we want someone to notice that we are doing those things well. Those little certificates at work for perfect attendance, or maybe that merit bonus, these are things that make us feel good about ourselves.
A number of years ago, I attended a youth conference as a chaperon. The last thing that happened on Sunday morning before church, was an affirmation ceremony. Each small group would write short positive statements about the others in their group. Then as each person took center stage in their group, those statements were read aloud. It seemed kind of silly. And definitely a time waster, we could have been packing the cars instead. That is until it was my turn to sit in the middle and hear things my fellow adults said about me. It was like being wrapped in a warm blanket on a cold night. I never wanted it to end. And I, too, took those words home and kept them. Both our daughters have numerous paper bags from various conferences, all contain letters and geegaws that remind them they are special and loved! They look at them sometimes when they feel like mouse spit and they get the strength to go on.
We also want to be good Christians. And again we want to be noticed. We forget that sometimes it is better to do that good deed in secret and be rewarded later by God.
I have tried to live so that God will be proud of me...or at least recognize me when we meet! I don't begin to believe that I have succeeded 100 % but I try.
Thanks Heidi!
Stella's Pictures with a Friend (?)
3 weeks ago
I don't think I completed the needed thingy to have the comment I just posted on here show up. I'll try again. I was saying, yes it does feel good to have someone say "good job"! And you have done a very good job, finally (jk), of getting that award posted over there- GOOD JOB!