This is from my cousin, who has a wonderful blog mentioned elsewhere in this blog. She has been doing this - and she has pix, but I'm just going to try getting something down! :D
#1 - Freshly cut grass - by my wonderful hubby. Smells are
#2 - Anoles that live WAY longer than they are suppose to! My daughter made a terrarium as a science project in 2003. She was homeschooled and we were studying river banks, coasts etc and the life around them. She created this 30 gallon habitat for an anole that was predicted to live about 3-4 years. Well it is now 2009 and Lady, as she was named, is still doing fine. And I find her strangely more appealing than the cats and dog who also occupy our abode.
#3 - Pot roast in the oven when I got home today! YAY! TheaterTech followed directions and it smells heavenly!!! See above comment on smells :D
#4 - My heels are feeling better. After my last post, my daughter pushed her anti-inflammatories on me and they seem to be helping!!! Hallelujah! This is me kicking up my heels! It was this or a Bette Grable pose! :D
#5 -This is almost a year since our Mediterrean Cruise taken to celebrate our 30th anniversary. In front of me is a calendar we bought in Sorrento to constantly remind me of the great time we had. We saw so many new and wonderful