All week I have been sick! Head cold I think - though lots of well meaning folks have been trying to tell me it is allergies. I don't know nor really care what it is, I just want it gone! I am much on the mend now and hopefully will see it out in another couple days, but the interesting thing feet/ankles feel better than they have in 2 years! And I suspect it is because for 2 days this week I did NOTHING but sit in my chair and doze. Stayed off the feet completely. Makes me wonder if I had been able to stay off them for a week back at the beginning of all this...maybe all this wouldn't be? (am I losing you?)
Anyway, it is now midnight and since I only slept 12 and a half hours last night, I guess I will head back to sleep.
Stella's Pictures with a Friend (?)
3 weeks ago
Now it's been a month since I blogged. I too experience the "oh it has to be thought provoking and of some heft to inspire others in order to write it...etc." doesn't have to be. I'm so glad to be back. In truth, I couldn't blog even if I'd wanted to because we were having major computer issues and no time to fix. I hope you feel better soon. Fash is also sick today- what is going on?