As I may have mentioned, DD2 is very dyslexic. She wears special tinted glasses that have made a HUGE difference for her. She is finally able to read at a decent rate. When she was about 5th grade someone mentioned using colored gels for her and since hubby is TekGod in the theater, he brought home several colors for her to try. So I asked her, did it help. "Oh yes, mom, the words don't move anymore." First I knew that she was seeing that way, and first she realized that not everyone did!
So life progresses and she is doing very well at the college level, and has learned how to more than compensate for any difficulty she has in preceptions. But the one area she still fails at is spelling. She spells what she hears and since we, as Americans, tend to lazy tongues, her spelling is sometimes very creative! If you read what she has written out loud, you can almost always understand what she has written, but can be a riddle. For Christmas she got a word program that types what she dictates. We shall see.
All this is to get around to something someone shared with me on FB today. I

t was stupid signs that people have made to protest something. All had spelling errors, from the common there/their/they're errors to the inattentive absence of letters, like amesty for amnesty. There were quite a few that were demanding that English be made the official language of the USA. Well, if you want to be taken seriously, don't you think it would help if your sign was in ENGLISH!??!
I tend to agree that English is our language and would prefer that immigrants be required to learn it. I understand some allowances being made. BUT if you plan to live

here for years, don't ask me to learn your language to welcome you! But then I see these signs....and I think well maybe I need to brush up on my Spanish.
So funny and so true. I see stuff like this everywhere.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment on my t.v. post, it made me feel better. :)