1. Gingerbread: For or against? Discuss.
I LOVE gingerbread. But I like it to eat, not necessarily to decorate. When I was growing up, my gramma would make it during my summer visit and we would decorate them with the leftover frostings she had in the fridge. (She did cakes) She had all the great tips for making roses and stuff and I thought it was great to decorate the gingerbread man that we always made. One of my father's brothers had made a good-size cookie cutter of a gingerbread man in his shop class so we always used it. And the decorating was fun, but it was only in later years that I realized that I always eat the ones with little or NO frosting and in reality I do not like frosting. Go figure. My Girl Scout service unit (the adult leaders) just decorated 5 dozen of them for the local Family Mission.
2. Is it important to you to always stay (live) close to family?
Very mixed answer. I am surrounded by relatives. Aunt, uncles and cousins all live around me, since my hubby and I bought the 'family home.' But my sisters and mom are a LONG ways away. Mom is a permanent RVer and one never knows where she will be from month to month. And 2 sisters are on the opposite end of the continent from me, so...we have learned to deal with it by linking weekly on-line and 'chatting' for an hour about what is happening in our lives and with our kids. It is not the best, but it helps.
3. Which holiday pretend character do you wish really existed?
4. Which holiday movie best represents how you feel about Christmas or life?
I like all of them. It's a Wonderful Life, The Bishop's Wife, The Preacher's Wife, Santa Claus the Movie, and White Christmas
5. Is there a particular Christmas song that you're enjoying now? Any that you're tired of?
There's a Song in the Air is a favorite and I am so tired of whatever that one in it that says I gave you my heart and the very next day you gave it away... it seems like it plays ALL the time at work.
6. What is your favorite way to remember those less fortunate at Christmastime?
I have rung bells for the Salvation Army, helped pay off bills, Toys for Tots and Heifer Project...I guess the last may be my favorite. My Scouts for the last several years have voted NOT to exchange presents but to donate money to the Heifer Project. At our party each year we pull out the catalog and count up the money and then decide what to 'give' away this year. It is fun to watch them think about someone else.
7. Does it upset you to see "Xmas" instead of Christmas? How about "Happy Holidays" etc., instead of "Merry Christmas?"
It used to bother me, but then I got to thinking about that 'x' and realized that it is a cross - the very symbol of my faith and suddenly it didn't bother me anymore. I say Merry Christmas mostly, though if I know the person is not Christian (perhaps Jewish or Muslim) I might say Happy Holidays.
8. How many Christmas programs are you attending this month?
None. Kids are too old and no grandkids at this stage.
9. Are you dreaming of a white Christmas? Any chance of that dream becoming a reality?
Yes I would like a white Christmas and it is possible...we shall see if it happens. :D
10. Tell me about a Christmas present you received as a child. Pics are always nice.
Oddly enough I can't think of too many. I know I received a ton each year. Always more than I expected...but nothing stands out...what I remember is the family and the sharing and the going around and seeing what everyone else got.
11. How many Christmas parties are you attending this month?
None, being unemployed or under-employed does tend to simplify your life.
12. How do you keep yourself centered on the significance of Christmas?
I smile. I think of Mary and I smile. I think of Jesus and I smile. I think of Joseph and I smile. When I smile I think about the great gift I have been given and it just makes me smile more...one of those unending circle things. :D
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