The Last Random Dozen of 2009!
Lid over at 2nd Cup of Coffee gives us our very last Random Dozen for 2009.
1. Do you find it gross to share drinks with family? Friends?
Nope! If they are sneezing or runny nose, I avoid it, otherwise, I figure there are enough good germs in me to kill anything they have.
2. What have you learned this year? (You didn't see a question of that weight coming, did you? At least not for #2.)
Not sure...I guess I have re-learned that I am not in control of my DDs lives and I can't make their decisions and and by golly, they make some pretty good ones on their own. Imagine that!
3. When do you dismantle the Christmas decorations?
Usually after Epiphany...Jan. 5th or so...sometimes as late as the 8th or so...
4. Something you wish to accomplish before the end of 2009 is:
can't think of anything
5. How do you feel about winter (after Christmas)
I love it until about March when I am WAY ready for green.
6. Have you participated in after-Christmas sales?
Nope - I work retail and try to avoid shopping.
7. Do you have plans for New Year's Eve?
Maybe. For the last 37 years I have hosted a party for college friends. This year another friend is hosting the party at their home so our DD can host a party here for HER college friends... the circle of life.
8. Is there anything special awaiting you in January?
Birthdays for both DDs and my mom
9. If your life this year was a movie, what category or genre would it be? (Romance, Comedy, Drama, Thriller, Suspense, Farcical, etc.)
Farce! Absolutely. Fortunately I like farce.
10. How much time per day do you spend blogging? Please do not lie. I will know.
not daily - about 3-4 hours a week
11. Who runs your household?
definite joint effort. Whoever has the time does what needs done.
12. Share one hope/dream for 2010.
I would love to see DD1 gainfully employed and attending church regularly....but really I can't control that so. . . MY dream/hope is to lose another 30 or so pounds.