One of the things my offspring and I have enjoyed doing is creating parodies of our favorite songs. We also enjoy listening to great parodies (Yay "Weird Al" Yankovich) So my place of employment is having a competition to write a parody of one of 25 well-known tuns from the 50's to the present to exemplfy the company's mottos, programs etc.
These are easy songs, R-E-S-P-E-C-T, or American Pie are 2 of the chosen. So I doodled for a few moments and wrote one to American Pie. A colleague was also attempting to write something and she couldn't believe I had done something that quickly. It got me to thinking.
I play with words all the time. I once wrote a weekly column for a newspaper. I have kept a diary for 37 years, I have a spiritual journal and now I am blogging. I just enjoy playing with words. Getting my thoughts on paper (at least metaphorically!) is almost therapeutic for me.
I am not funny like the blogger at 2Thinks to Share (who is great by the way at nor necessarily deep. But I am trying to share with my heart and soul. With honesty
No one really cares. And I don't have a lot of followers. But I write for me. When I wrote for the public I did trivia - so you may see some of that here. I just haven't decided.
Meanwhile...thanks for reading.
Stella's Pictures with a Friend (?)
3 weeks ago
You are awesome! Your comment on my Pilgrim departure post was balm for my wounded heart and I thank you for that. Thank you for linking to me here. I will, of course, always be a reader of your blog. Blood is thick. Thicker than water, thank goodness since all my h2o content has dispersed through my eyeball holes this week. Keep posting cuz!