It has been nearly a year since I wrote anything and I doubt I have a single reader left. But I have decided to make Lent a time of thanks and to write something at least a couple times a week (have to be honest with myself! :D) about the journey I am taking this year.
Four years ago tomorrow I left the church I loved and had

attended for nearly 28 years, because I did not feel I could stay. There was a new rector and too many things she did made me angry. I would leave church on Sunday morning angry and that is NOT how I want to leave church - or indeed ever feel! I celebrated Ash Wednesday with a new church and attended several different

congregations for nearly a year. Eventually I, and my hubby, settled into a new church family and are slowly feeling a part of this wonderful group of individuals.Since that time I have been thinking a lot about the communion of a congregation. I worship God in my heart all the time, but I firmly believe that I
need the company of others on this journey of faith. Too many times over the years, we have been helped by others from our extended family for me to think they are un-important. And even more, we have been able to help othe

rs. This has made us stronger.But now-a-days all I seem to hear is "I don't need to attend church to be a good Christian," and while technically that is correct, I take exception to the thought. Christ commends us to join together, to eat together, to work together, to be in community with one and other. And I believe that is what a weekly service with like-minded souls is! How can we accept Christ and not try to live as He wanted us to live?