I just don't have enough time. I am sure no one else has this problem. Everyone else seems to make their 24 hours work for them....well mostly. But I need at least another 2 to 3 hours. There is so much I want to do and just not enough time.
My youngest DD is taking 22 hours this semester. She was wishing for one of those time turners like Hermione had in Harry Potter. I think she will need it. I hope her frustration level doesn't implode too soon and not in my direction!
The eldest DD is frustrated with work. Or to be more specific the lack of work. She is down to 4 hours a week and you can't live on that.
Frustration....in so many forms. And so many in our area are experiencing it right now. There are large numbers of unemployed. So move, you say....well, where to? And can anyone guarantee them a job if they do? And how long will that job last? And what happens if in a year or 2 or less the new job is gone? Where is their support network? Back in the original location. So we have a workforce here. Willing to work. What can they do? What can we do to help them? What is the answer? Create a job. Now I just need to think what that job will be. Any ideas?
Stella's Pictures with a Friend (?)
3 weeks ago